![Future Highway](../../assets/md5images/676a820380e83c5852e655f94ebf7d56.jpg)
Theme 2: Around Town
Highways of the future will be more than ribbons of concrete and asphalt. They will have an information infrastructure that includes sensors, computers, and wireless connection with the computers in every moving vehicle. In the same way that people are connected by the internet, vehicles will be connected with each other through the highway’s network. This will enable drivers using navigation software to get real-time updates and suggestions. It will also increase the safety and efficiency of driverless vehicles.
In this activity, students will use mathematics to examine the types of calculations that navigational computers use to redirect drivers to the most efficient routes.
Publication Date
Curriculum and Instruction | Engineering | Science and Mathematics Education
Recommended Citation
Young, Patrick and Hernandez, David, "Activity 3: Navigation" (2023). Theme 2: Around Town. 3.
![Activity 3: Navigation](https://digitalcommons.imsa.edu/future_highway_theme2/1002/thumbnail.jpg)
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Engineering Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons