Open Educational Resources | Illinois Math and Science Academy Research | DigitalCommons@IMSA
Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources


The Academy shall also carry a responsibility to stimulate further excellence for all Illinois schools in mathematics and science. That responsibility may be exercised through any or all of the following means:

  1. Stimulating curriculum development and revisions through the collaborative efforts of the interacting institutions involved in the Academy including: universities, secondary schools, the industrial sector and national laboratories. Excerpt from: (105 ILCS 305/) Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Law

Within IMSA's collection of Open Educational Resources (OER) are open-access textbooks, manuals, teaching units, and lesson plans that are free to use, have no access restrictions, and can be remixed and adapted.

For more information about OER at the Illinois Mathematics and Science, visit the DigitalCommons LibGuide, or contact


Browse the Open Educational Resources Collections:

Advanced Biological Systems (ABS)

An Epidemiological Approach to Addressing Food Insecurity

AP Calculus BC

English Teacher Resources

Fighting Fire with STEM

Future Highway

K-5 Integrating ELA and Science

Leadership Education and Development (LEAD)

Little STEAMers: Early Learning Program

Mathematica Notebooks for Pre-Calculus and Calculus

NGSS Model Lessons: Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Open Access Books and Manuals

Scientific Illustration: Teacher Resources

STEM al Estilo Latino