![Future Highway](../../assets/md5images/676a820380e83c5852e655f94ebf7d56.jpg)
Theme 3: Traffic Management
Traffic management in busy urban areas is an extremely complex problem. Issues such as traffic congestion from home to work, suburban growth, preservation of scenic landscapes and historic neighborhoods, and the ability to walk, bike, and access public transit make traffic management a challenge. Traffic Management can include lane closures, detours, pedestrian access, and speed limits. It also includes intersections engineered for safe passage of vehicles in a stream of traffic that must cross each other's paths. Complicating factors for intersections include bikes, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles.
Publication Date
Curriculum and Instruction | Engineering | Science and Mathematics Education
Recommended Citation
Hernandez, David and Steffen, Peg, "Activity 3: Traffic Management" (2023). Theme 3: Traffic Management. 3.
![Activity 3: Traffic Management](https://digitalcommons.imsa.edu/future_highway_theme3/1002/thumbnail.jpg)
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Engineering Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons