Teacher Resources

One purpose of the History and Social Science Program at IMSA is to assist citizen-students with the attainment of knowledge, skills, thinking modes, and values which aid in the understanding of the human condition and human interaction. Given the volume of knowledge in history and social science, the curriculum needs to focus on the development of a historical and social science perspective through the establishment of a set of essential questions, the answers to which will allow students to analyze historical events and cultures. Another purpose is to equip students for their responsibility to maintain the republic and to become knowledgeable, active participants in our ever-changing democratic society. In addition, history and social science by their very nature serve as a unique structure for the integration of knowledge among academic disciplines. Such an opportunity permits history and social science to serve as a pivotal force to promote integrated curriculum. Furthermore, participation in the Metro History Fair and the Future Problem Solving Bowl afford students external opportunities to forge connections and to apply knowledge, skills, thinking and values. Finally, history and social science intends to pursue the development of meaningful and relevant learning units and innovative teaching practices, and to share these with educational institutions and teachers in the State of Illinois and the nation.


Browse the Teacher Resources Collections:

American Studies (Sources)

Considerations in Ethics

History of Cultural Contact

Religion and Philosophy in the Ancient World

World in the 20th Century