Faculty Publications & Research
Mathematics provides an environment for logical, creative investigation of quantitative and relational situations. It consists of a large body of knowledge and many sub-disciplines, each of which provides an array of tools and techniques for exploration and analysis. This includes, but is not limited to: patterns of logical reasoning and inference, geometric and algebraic manipulation, and analytic, graphical, and statistical investigation of phenomena. Different sub-disciplines are especially useful for solving certain types of problems while connections between the sub-disciplines help in the understanding and solution of other types of problems.
Extremal Problems for Roman Domination, E. W. Chambers, W. Kinnersley, N. Prince, and D. B. West
Highly Connected Monochromatic Subgraphs of Multicoloured Graphs, H. Liu, R. Morris, and N. Prince
Highly Connected Multicoloured Subgraphs of Multicoloured Graphs, H. Liu, R. Morris, and N. Prince
On Ks,t-minors in Graphs with Given Average Degree, A. V. Kostochka and N. Prince
The Erdős-Lovász Tihany Conjecture for Quasi-Line Graphs, J. Balogh, A. V. Kostochka, N. Prince, and M. Stiebitz
Total Acquisition in Graphs, Timothy D. Lesaulnier, Noah Prince, Paul S. Wenger, Douglas B. West, and Pratik Worah
Conference Papers/Presentations
Be the Change: Re-ignite Student’s Passion for Problem Solving & Mathematics, Joseph Bolz and Marti Shirley
Create Pretty Documents with LaTeX!, Evan Brummet, Patrick Davis, and Micah Fogel
Differentiate Assessment & Feedback: Formative (goformative.com), Marti Shirley
Effective Questioning, Janice Krouse and Marti Shirley
Integrating neuroscience into the K-12 computer science curriculum, Ashwin Mohan, Namrata Pandya, Nicole Ross, Sowmya Anjur, and Satish S. Nair
Remote Learning Technologies: Formative & Kami, Marti Shirley
Supporting Our Struggling Students: Details of a Hybrid Mathematics Summer Bridge Program, Anita White, Patrick Davis, and Marti Shirley
Topics and Challenges in Teaching Computer Science for Gifted and Talented Students, Tom Meyer and Namrata Pandya
When 2+2 Is So Much More Than Four: Integrating Social Justice into Advanced Mathematics Classes, Marti Shirley