DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session B-3: So What More is There for My Talented STEM Students?

Session Number


Grade Level

Cross-Disciplinary, Grade Level: 5-12

Start Date

28-2-2014 10:30 AM

End Date

28-2-2014 11:30 AM


Take a tour through IMSA STEM offerings for your talented students. Learn about the IMSA Kids Institute school year FunShops and summer camps, IMSA FUSION after-school program (grades 4-8), IMSA online offerings and new RISE course, Mentor Matching Engine, CoolHub STEM collaboration platform, and IMSA TALENT STEM entrepreneurship program for middle and high school students.


Feb 28th, 10:30 AM Feb 28th, 11:30 AM

Session B-3: So What More is There for My Talented STEM Students?

Take a tour through IMSA STEM offerings for your talented students. Learn about the IMSA Kids Institute school year FunShops and summer camps, IMSA FUSION after-school program (grades 4-8), IMSA online offerings and new RISE course, Mentor Matching Engine, CoolHub STEM collaboration platform, and IMSA TALENT STEM entrepreneurship program for middle and high school students.


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