DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session B-2: Build Student Engagement, Mental Math, and Reasoning with "Math Talks"

Session Number


Grade Level

Math, Grade Level: 5-12

Start Date

28-2-2014 10:30 AM

End Date

28-2-2014 11:30 AM


"Math talks" are quick routines that you can implement in your classroom within days. They can raise engagement, build efficient, accurate, and flexible mental math strategies, and help students construct arguments and critique reasoning. We will engage in math talks, analyzing how they can be enacted in the classroom and designed for specific goals or respond to specific misconceptions. Participants will learn about math talks that support understanding of number, algebra, and other domains.


Sendhil Revuluri is presently a Senior Program Associate with the Learning Sciences Resource Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Feb 28th, 10:30 AM Feb 28th, 11:30 AM

Session B-2: Build Student Engagement, Mental Math, and Reasoning with "Math Talks"

"Math talks" are quick routines that you can implement in your classroom within days. They can raise engagement, build efficient, accurate, and flexible mental math strategies, and help students construct arguments and critique reasoning. We will engage in math talks, analyzing how they can be enacted in the classroom and designed for specific goals or respond to specific misconceptions. Participants will learn about math talks that support understanding of number, algebra, and other domains.


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