DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session D-3: Java Programming

Session D-3: Java Programming

Session Number


Grade Level

Computer Science, Grade Levels: 11-12

Start Date

27-2-2015 12:30 PM

End Date

27-2-2015 1:30 PM


How to train your robot! Join us for a discussion about how we learn Java programming language by using the Lego NXT robotic kit. Participate in programming created to accomplish various robotic behaviors, such as playing music, drawing on the NXT LCD screen, and working with sensor (touch, sonar) inputs.


Feb 27th, 12:30 PM Feb 27th, 1:30 PM

Session D-3: Java Programming

How to train your robot! Join us for a discussion about how we learn Java programming language by using the Lego NXT robotic kit. Participate in programming created to accomplish various robotic behaviors, such as playing music, drawing on the NXT LCD screen, and working with sensor (touch, sonar) inputs.