DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session B-7: 3D Printing for the Next Generation Learners

Session Number


Grade Level

Technology, Grade Levels: Any

Start Date

27-2-2015 10:30 AM

End Date

27-2-2015 11:30 AM


Are you thinking about creating a Maker Space or purchasing a 3D printer for your school or classroom? Or are you just interested in seeing new technology up close and personal with the ability to ask questions to a maker space rookie and her sidekick the techno geek? Check out this lively session where we'll 3D scan something (or somebody) and print it out on our 3D printer, doodle with our 3D pens and ask all the practical questions (like how much does all this cost?) We'll share examples of how we are introducing new technology to our students, faculty and staff, bridging learning to the classroom and an early report out of our new student Maker Squad initiative.


Feb 27th, 10:30 AM Feb 27th, 11:30 AM

Session B-7: 3D Printing for the Next Generation Learners

Are you thinking about creating a Maker Space or purchasing a 3D printer for your school or classroom? Or are you just interested in seeing new technology up close and personal with the ability to ask questions to a maker space rookie and her sidekick the techno geek? Check out this lively session where we'll 3D scan something (or somebody) and print it out on our 3D printer, doodle with our 3D pens and ask all the practical questions (like how much does all this cost?) We'll share examples of how we are introducing new technology to our students, faculty and staff, bridging learning to the classroom and an early report out of our new student Maker Squad initiative.


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