DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session 1e: Nuclear Energy: Then, Now and the Future

Session Number

Double Session 1 & 2


Lab A200 (2nd floor) - NOTE: Double Session

Start Date

2-3-2018 10:00 AM

End Date

2-3-2018 11:50 AM


Nuclear power is one of the most feared and misunderstood energy sources available, and its unique advantages - extraordinary power production with no emissions - weigh against its disadvantages - possibility of meltdowns, difficulty of waste disposal, and potential weaponization. This session will explore some of the basics of nuclear power through a variety of interactive activities for students and give an overview of the economics and risks associated with nuclear power. It will also discuss potential future technologies, including fusion, and how they would change worldwide energy production.

Spenvis instructions.pdf (250 kB)
Instructions for setting up Spenvis

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How Radioactive is it.pdf (29 kB)

Radiation in matter project.part1.pdf (72 kB)
Modern Physics Project

Radiation in matter project.part2 shielding humans.pdf (88 kB)
Modern Physics Project

Radiation in matter project.part3.pdf (321 kB)
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Shielding test.pdf (308 kB)


Mar 2nd, 10:00 AM Mar 2nd, 11:50 AM

Session 1e: Nuclear Energy: Then, Now and the Future

Lab A200 (2nd floor) - NOTE: Double Session

Nuclear power is one of the most feared and misunderstood energy sources available, and its unique advantages - extraordinary power production with no emissions - weigh against its disadvantages - possibility of meltdowns, difficulty of waste disposal, and potential weaponization. This session will explore some of the basics of nuclear power through a variety of interactive activities for students and give an overview of the economics and risks associated with nuclear power. It will also discuss potential future technologies, including fusion, and how they would change worldwide energy production.


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