Goal 3: Interpersonal Intelligence Narrative
Learning Outcomes: Students will display effective interpersonal communication skills such as effective conflict resolution strategies, verbal and nonverbal reactions in social situations, and how they differ amongst individuals. Students will develop effective leadership skills that will better prepare them to be impactful members of society.
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2023
Healthy v Unhealthy Relationships Program, Alyssa Gehrke
Knowing your Identities, Alyssa Gehrke
Active Listening: Are you hearing me or listening?, Taylor Jones
How to Keep a Clean Space for a Clear Mind, Taylor Jones
The Art of Problem Solving, Taylor Jones
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2021
Bursting Stereotypes, John Kendall and Alyssa Gehrke
Gaslighting---No, It's Not Me, It's You, Robyn Norton
The Value of Agreeable Disagreement, Josiah Payne
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2020
Talk the Talk, Freddy-May AbiSamra and Natasha White
The Five Stages of Team Development, Caitlin Collins and Ethan Castro
Shattering Stigma: Menstruation, Pooja Haney and Jaimee Walker
Missed Messages: A Mental Health-related Simulator, Mia Pidlaoan
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2017
Emotional Correctness TED Talk, Joseph Mastrocola
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2016
Drinking the Delicious Tea of Consent, Joseph Mastrocola
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2015
Hate Free Room Pledge, Joseph Mastrocola
Newly Roommate Game, Joseph Mastrocola
Unity Canvas, Joseph Mastrocola
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2014
One Minute Hot Seat, Joseph Mastrocola