Faculty Publications & Research
Document Type
Conference Paper/Presentation
Publication Date
UN Sustainability Goals, UNSDGs, clean water, sanitation, personal hygiene, sustainable cities
Biology | Curriculum and Instruction | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Advanced Biological Systems is year-long introductory biology course for Juniors at IMSA. It is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, the use of which has been identified as an initiative for curriculum development. These goals help to bring purpose to students’ learning. We have identified three of the seventeen goals as guideposts for our curriculum. These are clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, and good health and well-being. In this presentation, we will share our curriculum development process and examples of instruction linked to these UN goals.
Recommended Citation
Anjur, S.,
Dosch, D.
Engaging Students in Fundamental Biological Concepts Through UN Sustainability Goals.
Retrieved from: https://digitalcommons.imsa.edu/sci_pr/33
Included in
Biology Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons
Presented at NCSSS 2018 Professional Conference