
Dr. Richard Cavanaugh, Fermi National Accelerator Lab

Dr. Zhenbin Wu, Fermi National Accelerator Lab


Room Library

Start Date

26-4-2019 2:10 PM

End Date

26-4-2019 2:35 PM


To search for the hypothesized SUSY particles, physicists have to create algorithms or cuts to separate signals from the unwanted background events. Cuts are easy to apply to a dataset, but are not always very efficient at selecting the signal being analyzed. In this study, we analyzed the plausibility and effectiveness of using ISR jet pseudorapidity and ISR jet Pt cuts on the T2tt signal sample from the CMS detector to separate the signal from the background. After graphing the Pt and pseudorapidity per event graphs, we concluded that an ISR jet Pt cut would be an effective cut, but and ISR pseudorapidity cut would not be effective. We determined that an ISR jet Pt cut around 350 GeV would be effective at increasing the ratio of signal events to background events because below 350 GeV, there are significantly more background events than signal events. ISR jets appear in a large amount of particle interactions, so although our findings only are for the T2tt signal, it is highly likely that these findings could be applied to other signals that are being analyzed for the search for supersymmetry.


Apr 26th, 2:10 PM Apr 26th, 2:35 PM

Using Initial State Radiation (ISR) Jets for SUSY Search

Room Library

To search for the hypothesized SUSY particles, physicists have to create algorithms or cuts to separate signals from the unwanted background events. Cuts are easy to apply to a dataset, but are not always very efficient at selecting the signal being analyzed. In this study, we analyzed the plausibility and effectiveness of using ISR jet pseudorapidity and ISR jet Pt cuts on the T2tt signal sample from the CMS detector to separate the signal from the background. After graphing the Pt and pseudorapidity per event graphs, we concluded that an ISR jet Pt cut would be an effective cut, but and ISR pseudorapidity cut would not be effective. We determined that an ISR jet Pt cut around 350 GeV would be effective at increasing the ratio of signal events to background events because below 350 GeV, there are significantly more background events than signal events. ISR jets appear in a large amount of particle interactions, so although our findings only are for the T2tt signal, it is highly likely that these findings could be applied to other signals that are being analyzed for the search for supersymmetry.


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