Mass Resolution and Acceptance * Migration
Session Number
Project ID: PHYS 10
Dr. Peter Dong; llinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Physical Science
Start Date
22-4-2020 10:05 AM
End Date
22-4-2020 10:20 AM
We analyzed acceptance * migration and mass resolution for generator-level versus reconstructed particles from events generated by a contact interaction (CI) Monte Carlo simulation. Our goal was to reconstruct plots from 2017 data showing muons in GenSim and Reco stages. We looked at the effects of detector reconstruction on our ability to measure key variables for the analysis, which is needed for estimates of systematic uncertainty. When looking at Acceptance * Migration, we found migration that increases as invariant mass increases. Similarly, we saw greater error as invariant mass increases, demonstrating lower resolution. This is due to the fact that invariant mass is dependent on energy and momentum, and higher-momentum particles are more difficult to measure due to their straighter path in the detector.s
Mass Resolution and Acceptance * Migration
We analyzed acceptance * migration and mass resolution for generator-level versus reconstructed particles from events generated by a contact interaction (CI) Monte Carlo simulation. Our goal was to reconstruct plots from 2017 data showing muons in GenSim and Reco stages. We looked at the effects of detector reconstruction on our ability to measure key variables for the analysis, which is needed for estimates of systematic uncertainty. When looking at Acceptance * Migration, we found migration that increases as invariant mass increases. Similarly, we saw greater error as invariant mass increases, demonstrating lower resolution. This is due to the fact that invariant mass is dependent on energy and momentum, and higher-momentum particles are more difficult to measure due to their straighter path in the detector.s