DigitalCommons@IMSA - Student Leadership Exchange (SLX): Hives



Jodie Meng


Juan Chiu

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #15: Life on Land

Start Date

29-4-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

29-4-2020 11:00 AM


Bees are a capstone species and the world’s most important animal as ranked by the Royal Geographic Society in London. They play a key role in the production of many food products which certain communities may depend on; however, their population has rapidly been declining as of lately. Hives is an organization which takes this issue into extreme consideration. We believe that habitat restoration efforts for bees is the strongest way to make an impact. We will work with numerous local gardens to install our artificial bee homes. These homes are created solely from recyclable materials. Not only are our bee homes eco-friendly in this regard, but they boast a delightful design making them profitable. Marketed as eco-friendly and naturally restorative, our bee homes will appeal strongest to suburban renovators.


Apr 29th, 10:45 AM Apr 29th, 11:00 AM


Bees are a capstone species and the world’s most important animal as ranked by the Royal Geographic Society in London. They play a key role in the production of many food products which certain communities may depend on; however, their population has rapidly been declining as of lately. Hives is an organization which takes this issue into extreme consideration. We believe that habitat restoration efforts for bees is the strongest way to make an impact. We will work with numerous local gardens to install our artificial bee homes. These homes are created solely from recyclable materials. Not only are our bee homes eco-friendly in this regard, but they boast a delightful design making them profitable. Marketed as eco-friendly and naturally restorative, our bee homes will appeal strongest to suburban renovators.