
Cryptocurrency Heat Generator

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Start Date

28-4-2021 9:15 AM

End Date

28-4-2021 9:35 AM


Heating is a necessity to families all across the world in climates with cold weather. This heating is not always cheap though, and many families can struggle to pay electric bills associated with constantly running heaters. As cryptocurrencies become more and more popular, more people want to invest into this new currency. When cryptocurrency is mined, the computer components produce large amounts of heat, but quite often that heat is just released into the air and effectively wasted. We want to create products that would allow people to quickly and easily mine crypto, and then use this heat in their homes. We would sell a range of products, from central air systems consisting of large amounts of GPUs, and simple portable heaters with just one or two GPUs inside of them. This would reduce, if not eliminate electric bills depending on how the cryptocurrency market was doing at that given moment. When the market is doing well, it can even be income. The only thing one would need to use this product is an internet connection, and basic knowledge of crypto.


Apr 28th, 9:15 AM Apr 28th, 9:35 AM

Cryptocurrency Heat Generator

Heating is a necessity to families all across the world in climates with cold weather. This heating is not always cheap though, and many families can struggle to pay electric bills associated with constantly running heaters. As cryptocurrencies become more and more popular, more people want to invest into this new currency. When cryptocurrency is mined, the computer components produce large amounts of heat, but quite often that heat is just released into the air and effectively wasted. We want to create products that would allow people to quickly and easily mine crypto, and then use this heat in their homes. We would sell a range of products, from central air systems consisting of large amounts of GPUs, and simple portable heaters with just one or two GPUs inside of them. This would reduce, if not eliminate electric bills depending on how the cryptocurrency market was doing at that given moment. When the market is doing well, it can even be income. The only thing one would need to use this product is an internet connection, and basic knowledge of crypto.