
Daydream Presentation


Abhi Vinnakota


Ava Puchitkanont

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Start Date

28-4-2021 9:15 AM

End Date

28-4-2021 9:35 AM


Daydream is a community focused on promoting mental health and improving the United Nations third sustainable development goal. During quarantine, more than ever people have started to feel unhealthy mentally and depression has been on a rise. To combat this, our team developed an online app and forum where people can come together to form a community that talks about their mental well being and struggles. This product can categorize similar people into the same discussions so users can understand they are not alone and see what other members in the community are struggling with. The forum will be separated into many communities that target different users, such as a community for school, work, specific interests, etc. What separates us from other mental health forums is that we will take serious action in keeping our forums safe for our community, through moderators and computer programs. Users will be anonymous so there will be no bullying or breaches of security. In addition, Daydream would be a third party contacter where experienced therapists can find patients in need for a certain amount of pay. Daydream and most of the resources offered are free, but to receive upgrades like experienced therapists or more advanced resources, a payment will be required. We will also have other ways of profit such as advertising in our forums, premium membership options, therapist certifications, and much more. To collect data for improving our product, we plan to send out short surveys and random ratings to active users and if they fill out the survey, they can receive a free week of our premium membership or other prizes for helping Daydream improve itself. Overall, our goal is to connect people with unhealthy mental health together in order to create a positive environment where they can heal their minds.


Apr 28th, 9:15 AM Apr 28th, 9:35 AM

Daydream Presentation

Daydream is a community focused on promoting mental health and improving the United Nations third sustainable development goal. During quarantine, more than ever people have started to feel unhealthy mentally and depression has been on a rise. To combat this, our team developed an online app and forum where people can come together to form a community that talks about their mental well being and struggles. This product can categorize similar people into the same discussions so users can understand they are not alone and see what other members in the community are struggling with. The forum will be separated into many communities that target different users, such as a community for school, work, specific interests, etc. What separates us from other mental health forums is that we will take serious action in keeping our forums safe for our community, through moderators and computer programs. Users will be anonymous so there will be no bullying or breaches of security. In addition, Daydream would be a third party contacter where experienced therapists can find patients in need for a certain amount of pay. Daydream and most of the resources offered are free, but to receive upgrades like experienced therapists or more advanced resources, a payment will be required. We will also have other ways of profit such as advertising in our forums, premium membership options, therapist certifications, and much more. To collect data for improving our product, we plan to send out short surveys and random ratings to active users and if they fill out the survey, they can receive a free week of our premium membership or other prizes for helping Daydream improve itself. Overall, our goal is to connect people with unhealthy mental health together in order to create a positive environment where they can heal their minds.