Female Rage and Emotions in Media
Room #2 (A115)
Document Type
UN Sustainable Development Goal
UNSDG #4: Quality Education
Start Date
26-4-2023 10:55 AM
End Date
26-4-2023 11:10 AM
Although emotions are a normal part of the human experience for many women those emotions are pushed down, laughed at, or even completely ignored. We’ve chosen to do our project on female rage and the overwhelming emotions many women bottle up because of the standards put on them. We want to dive into the portrayal, or lack thereof, of these emotions in the media. We’re sending out a form for AFAB and/or women to submit writing about their experiences with seeing these emotions in media, feeling these emotions themselves, and how seeing their emotions portrayed on screen or in interviews have shaped them. We want to help open up a conversation where all emotions are open for everyone. Where everyone can feel seen and heard. Where everyone gets the right to feel human.
Female Rage and Emotions in Media
Room #2 (A115)
Although emotions are a normal part of the human experience for many women those emotions are pushed down, laughed at, or even completely ignored. We’ve chosen to do our project on female rage and the overwhelming emotions many women bottle up because of the standards put on them. We want to dive into the portrayal, or lack thereof, of these emotions in the media. We’re sending out a form for AFAB and/or women to submit writing about their experiences with seeing these emotions in media, feeling these emotions themselves, and how seeing their emotions portrayed on screen or in interviews have shaped them. We want to help open up a conversation where all emotions are open for everyone. Where everyone can feel seen and heard. Where everyone gets the right to feel human.