Mastery Based Learning vs. Traditional Classrooms



Document Type



Information Motivating Public Activism (IMPACT)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #4: Quality Education

Start Date

24-4-2024 9:50 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 10:05 AM


This project will investigate the accuracy of mastery-based grading. The goal is to identify the value of mastery-based grading/classes and determine if it should be used more often. This investigation is going to reveal the concept of using mastery grading more often and in more classes. The project is based on the hypothesis that mastery-based grading best reflects a student's progress and ability to retain information on the subject in class. A form will be sent out to students at IMSA asking if they have taken classes that used mastery-based grading. They will then be asked to give their experiences. Interviews will also be held with teachers who teach or have taught a mastery-based class and it will get their input on the grading system. A website or video will be used to present the collected information project.


Apr 24th, 9:50 AM Apr 24th, 10:05 AM

Mastery Based Learning vs. Traditional Classrooms


This project will investigate the accuracy of mastery-based grading. The goal is to identify the value of mastery-based grading/classes and determine if it should be used more often. This investigation is going to reveal the concept of using mastery grading more often and in more classes. The project is based on the hypothesis that mastery-based grading best reflects a student's progress and ability to retain information on the subject in class. A form will be sent out to students at IMSA asking if they have taken classes that used mastery-based grading. They will then be asked to give their experiences. Interviews will also be held with teachers who teach or have taught a mastery-based class and it will get their input on the grading system. A website or video will be used to present the collected information project.