DigitalCommons@IMSA - Student Leadership Exchange (SLX): Poverty’s Grip on Literacy Rates

Poverty’s Grip on Literacy Rates



Document Type



Information Motivating Public Activism (IMPACT)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #4: Quality Education

Start Date

24-4-2024 9:50 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 10:05 AM


A problem chosen to investigate is the correlation between poverty rates and literacy levels across various countries. Utilizing statistical information from websites such as Kaggle, the World Bank, and UNESCO, the research reveals a significant negative correlation between the two factors. Factors such as limited access to education, inadequate infrastructure, and socio-economic disparities contribute to lower literacy rates in impoverished nations. Understanding this relationship is crucial for people to implement targeted interventions to alleviate these problems. This will provide equal opportunities worldwide. Solutions to this problem include more sponsored fundraisers that will not only help fund financially but also bring more awareness to the underlining cause. This type of problem will also require the collaboration of lots of people from all across the globe. Other solutions can include donations or resources like books and curriculums from wealthy countries to countries of poverty.


Apr 24th, 9:50 AM Apr 24th, 10:05 AM

Poverty’s Grip on Literacy Rates


A problem chosen to investigate is the correlation between poverty rates and literacy levels across various countries. Utilizing statistical information from websites such as Kaggle, the World Bank, and UNESCO, the research reveals a significant negative correlation between the two factors. Factors such as limited access to education, inadequate infrastructure, and socio-economic disparities contribute to lower literacy rates in impoverished nations. Understanding this relationship is crucial for people to implement targeted interventions to alleviate these problems. This will provide equal opportunities worldwide. Solutions to this problem include more sponsored fundraisers that will not only help fund financially but also bring more awareness to the underlining cause. This type of problem will also require the collaboration of lots of people from all across the globe. Other solutions can include donations or resources like books and curriculums from wealthy countries to countries of poverty.