The Relationship Between Financial Stability and Highschoolers’ Resources



Document Type



Information Motivating Public Activism (IMPACT)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #10: Reduced Inequalities

Start Date

24-4-2024 11:10 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:25 AM


The financial background of high school students significantly impacts their education, as students from financially stable families tend to have better access to educational resources and opportunities. In contrast, those from lower-income backgrounds may face barriers that can affect their academic achievement. It is critical to address these inequalities and create a more equitable education system for all students. This study will compare the differences between Illinois Public School’s graduation rate and their financial background by looking into counties’ income, poverty levels, mathematical education, and graduation rate. This data will compare how the difference in these resources can influence the future of these students and their communities. According to 2018 findings, more than 634,000 adolescents and youth in the United States were not attending school. Data from different Illinois counties will be compared to that area’s public school to see if there is a correlation between family income and education. Looking at data from Illinois Math and Science Academy, students' backgrounds will be compared to their incoming math level and required resources. Offering an equitable education for all high school students is essential because it provides everyone with equal opportunities to succeed in life. When students receive a fair education, regardless of their financial background, they are more likely to achieve their full potential and pursue their goals. This leads to a more diverse and just society where everyone has a chance to contribute their newfound knowledge. An equitable education helps to close the achievement gap and reduce inequality. Giving high schoolers access to equal education can help to ensure them a brighter future.


Apr 24th, 11:10 AM Apr 24th, 11:25 AM

The Relationship Between Financial Stability and Highschoolers’ Resources


The financial background of high school students significantly impacts their education, as students from financially stable families tend to have better access to educational resources and opportunities. In contrast, those from lower-income backgrounds may face barriers that can affect their academic achievement. It is critical to address these inequalities and create a more equitable education system for all students. This study will compare the differences between Illinois Public School’s graduation rate and their financial background by looking into counties’ income, poverty levels, mathematical education, and graduation rate. This data will compare how the difference in these resources can influence the future of these students and their communities. According to 2018 findings, more than 634,000 adolescents and youth in the United States were not attending school. Data from different Illinois counties will be compared to that area’s public school to see if there is a correlation between family income and education. Looking at data from Illinois Math and Science Academy, students' backgrounds will be compared to their incoming math level and required resources. Offering an equitable education for all high school students is essential because it provides everyone with equal opportunities to succeed in life. When students receive a fair education, regardless of their financial background, they are more likely to achieve their full potential and pursue their goals. This leads to a more diverse and just society where everyone has a chance to contribute their newfound knowledge. An equitable education helps to close the achievement gap and reduce inequality. Giving high schoolers access to equal education can help to ensure them a brighter future.