The Influence of Screen Time on Sleep Schedule



Document Type



Information Motivating Public Activism (IMPACT)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Start Date

24-4-2024 10:05 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 10:20 AM


IMSA students constantly complain about how their enormous load of daily homework hurts their sleep schedule. We believe, however, that students’ prolonged screen usage harms their sleep more than their homework load does. In this experiment, we will send a survey to the IMSA community inquiring about their screen usage, homework loads, and sleep times. We will perform analyses on this data, looking for the relationships between sleep and homework, and sleep and screen usage. We hope to discover the root cause of this sleep deprivation and spread our conclusion to the entire campus, making it easier for IMSA students to sleep longer.


Apr 24th, 10:05 AM Apr 24th, 10:20 AM

The Influence of Screen Time on Sleep Schedule


IMSA students constantly complain about how their enormous load of daily homework hurts their sleep schedule. We believe, however, that students’ prolonged screen usage harms their sleep more than their homework load does. In this experiment, we will send a survey to the IMSA community inquiring about their screen usage, homework loads, and sleep times. We will perform analyses on this data, looking for the relationships between sleep and homework, and sleep and screen usage. We hope to discover the root cause of this sleep deprivation and spread our conclusion to the entire campus, making it easier for IMSA students to sleep longer.