


Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #4: Quality Education

Start Date

24-4-2024 11:10 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:25 AM


STEM-Explore is a digital platform designed to guide high school students passionate about STEM subjects through the college application process and enhance their academic profiles. The project's purpose is to provide personalized recommendations, foster a supportive community, and offer valuable resources to help students navigate the competitive landscape of college admissions. STEM-Explore solves the challenges faced by students in accessing guidance and information, offering a solution to streamline their journey to higher education. Due to the expectations and demands of what a college wants from a student increasing, many students are beginning to become more unsure of themselves, becoming stressed due to the arduous application process. This led to our solution, a digital platform called STEM-Explore that offers personalized recommendations based on user input, facilitates peer feedback and discussions, and provides information on scholarships, summer programs, and extracurricular activities relevant to STEM students. Through these features, we can guide high school students through the lengthy and often confusing application process and reduce the burden on them.


Apr 24th, 11:10 AM Apr 24th, 11:25 AM



STEM-Explore is a digital platform designed to guide high school students passionate about STEM subjects through the college application process and enhance their academic profiles. The project's purpose is to provide personalized recommendations, foster a supportive community, and offer valuable resources to help students navigate the competitive landscape of college admissions. STEM-Explore solves the challenges faced by students in accessing guidance and information, offering a solution to streamline their journey to higher education. Due to the expectations and demands of what a college wants from a student increasing, many students are beginning to become more unsure of themselves, becoming stressed due to the arduous application process. This led to our solution, a digital platform called STEM-Explore that offers personalized recommendations based on user input, facilitates peer feedback and discussions, and provides information on scholarships, summer programs, and extracurricular activities relevant to STEM students. Through these features, we can guide high school students through the lengthy and often confusing application process and reduce the burden on them.