DigitalCommons@IMSA - Student Leadership Exchange (SLX): Grow Free and Eat Flee

Grow Free and Eat Flee



Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Start Date

24-4-2024 11:10 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:25 AM


Grow Free and Eat Flee (GFEF) is a forward-thinking enterprise dedicated to fostering cities and communities, consumption and production, good health and well-being, and zero hunger. Our core strategy involves establishing an integrated farming operation that both distributes and markets a range of essential products, including eggs, meat, fruits, and vegetables. Our goal is to target low-income communities, provide supplies and ingredients and we will create an all-organic store along with community farms. Firstly, at this store, we will sell fresh herbs, seasonings, freshly squeezed juices, and a wide variety of protein. Every year, we will get loans from the USDA to supply us with the products we need. With this income, we will use this to repay loans and continue producing products to provide for those in need. To require those products we will reach out to local farmers to seek resources such as seeds, animals, and advice. Once this is done, we begin our business on our land of 78.1 acres. This product will either be bought/given uncooked or as a meal. As we strive to be as close to a non-profit, we plan to look back at our community–IMSA. As the school requires 200+ hours of volunteer work, we will utilize their needs to also fulfill our needs as a company. Additionally, to have close connections with the community we will be donating some of our resources to lower-income farmers. Companies chose to Grow Free and Eat Flee over other companies because our farm gives organic food in regions where there is little to no access to organic, fresh, and healthy produce. Not only that, but our main contributors and bosses represent minorities therefore letting us build connections with our customers who also most of the time come from minority groups.


Apr 24th, 11:10 AM Apr 24th, 11:25 AM

Grow Free and Eat Flee


Grow Free and Eat Flee (GFEF) is a forward-thinking enterprise dedicated to fostering cities and communities, consumption and production, good health and well-being, and zero hunger. Our core strategy involves establishing an integrated farming operation that both distributes and markets a range of essential products, including eggs, meat, fruits, and vegetables. Our goal is to target low-income communities, provide supplies and ingredients and we will create an all-organic store along with community farms. Firstly, at this store, we will sell fresh herbs, seasonings, freshly squeezed juices, and a wide variety of protein. Every year, we will get loans from the USDA to supply us with the products we need. With this income, we will use this to repay loans and continue producing products to provide for those in need. To require those products we will reach out to local farmers to seek resources such as seeds, animals, and advice. Once this is done, we begin our business on our land of 78.1 acres. This product will either be bought/given uncooked or as a meal. As we strive to be as close to a non-profit, we plan to look back at our community–IMSA. As the school requires 200+ hours of volunteer work, we will utilize their needs to also fulfill our needs as a company. Additionally, to have close connections with the community we will be donating some of our resources to lower-income farmers. Companies chose to Grow Free and Eat Flee over other companies because our farm gives organic food in regions where there is little to no access to organic, fresh, and healthy produce. Not only that, but our main contributors and bosses represent minorities therefore letting us build connections with our customers who also most of the time come from minority groups.