


Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Start Date

24-4-2024 10:55 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:10 AM


Floods in Chicago are causing significant damage to neighborhoods, yet many lack the resources to address the aftermath effectively. Limited products targeting flood mitigation coupled with financial, health, and sustainability concerns hinder proper solutions, leaving thousands of households and families devastated under these vulnerable conditions. One of the notable communities that face the harsh extremities of flash flooding is the Chicago suburbs and city area in Illinois. Therefore, our product’s launch will be targeted towards Chicago neighborhoods like Cane and DuPage county. FloodFortify, a revolutionary product that specifically tackles the structural insecurities of houses to resist floods, focuses on equipping house construction with advanced flood-resistant structural integrity. By implementing sustainable materials, the costs and resource burdens on constrained communities and households can be reduced. While the initial costs of in-stalling FloodFortify construction in houses will scale higher, this solution will be more long-lasting and cost-effective and sustainable for the long run, not only reducing a house's risks of flooding for up to a decade but also preventing the growth of harmful bacteria or mold on the bark of basement wood, tiles, etc.Our products aims to offer a comprehensive flood-resistant solution tailored to Chicago's specific flood challenges by emphasizing cost-effectiveness and sustainability and incorporating advanced technologies and materials to ensure superior flood protection.


Apr 24th, 10:55 AM Apr 24th, 11:10 AM



Floods in Chicago are causing significant damage to neighborhoods, yet many lack the resources to address the aftermath effectively. Limited products targeting flood mitigation coupled with financial, health, and sustainability concerns hinder proper solutions, leaving thousands of households and families devastated under these vulnerable conditions. One of the notable communities that face the harsh extremities of flash flooding is the Chicago suburbs and city area in Illinois. Therefore, our product’s launch will be targeted towards Chicago neighborhoods like Cane and DuPage county. FloodFortify, a revolutionary product that specifically tackles the structural insecurities of houses to resist floods, focuses on equipping house construction with advanced flood-resistant structural integrity. By implementing sustainable materials, the costs and resource burdens on constrained communities and households can be reduced. While the initial costs of in-stalling FloodFortify construction in houses will scale higher, this solution will be more long-lasting and cost-effective and sustainable for the long run, not only reducing a house's risks of flooding for up to a decade but also preventing the growth of harmful bacteria or mold on the bark of basement wood, tiles, etc.Our products aims to offer a comprehensive flood-resistant solution tailored to Chicago's specific flood challenges by emphasizing cost-effectiveness and sustainability and incorporating advanced technologies and materials to ensure superior flood protection.