Staff Publications & Research

The Student Life staff at IMSA believes that it is a student's responsibility, during the student's three years at the Academy, to reach the student's full potential in all areas of development with special emphasis in leadership. The staff provides appropriate interventions, support mechanisms, services and learning opportunities to help students reach their potential and to be healthy, ethical, productive members of the local and global communities. It is the staff's accountability to facilitate the development, implementation, and assessment of these programs and to serve as student and parent advocate within the Academy. The Student Life office is used as first line contacts and as a place to begin the process to answer questions or get help.


Conference Papers/Presentations


Building the Foundation for a Trauma Responsive School, Katie Berger and Takeisha Rheams


Building a Positive Culture Around Mental Health, Kevin Kusy


Discussing Multiculturally Competent Counseling with Gifted and Talented Students, Kevin Kusy


Techniques for Supporting Advanced Learners' Social-Emotional Needs in the Classroom, Kevin Kusy


Universal Mental Health Screenings: The Whats, Whys, and Hows, Kevin Kusy


Universal Mental Health Screenings: The Whats, Whys, and Hows, Kevin Kusy


Who is a Gifted or Talented Student?, Kevin Kusy


Building a Multicultural Competent Counseling Approach Focused on Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Students, Kevin Kusy and Adrienne Coleman


Educator Stress: Finding Solutions to Combat Negativity, Exhaustion, and Burnout, Kevin Kusy and Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll


Stress in Education: Finding Solutions to Combat Negativity and Burnout, Kevin Kusy and Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll


The Cultivation of Psychosocial Skills For High Performance Within Educational Programs, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Rena F. Subotnik, Katie Berger, Susan Gold, and Christi Wilkins


Year of Inquiry into Student Mental Health, Amber Stitziel Pareja and Katie Berger


Leadership Education and Development in STEM High Schools, Andrea Stuiber and Katie Berger


Year of Inquiry into Student Mental Health, José M. Torres, Amber Stitziel Pareja, Katie Berger, Monika Narain '21, and Ray Shang '20



The Impact of Self-Management Programming on Gifted Student Perceptions of Sleep in a Residential Setting, Katie Berger


College Latino Students: Cultural Integration, Retention, and Successful Completion, Robert Hernandez


Examining Mental Health and Resiliency Factors of Gifted and Talented Students Participating in an Accelerative, Residential Program, Kevin Kusy

Master's Field Projects


Asynchronous Gifted Students & Human Rights Education: A Residential Life Curriculum Guide Aimed at Supporting Subcultures and Underrepresented Populations, Derek M. Lough