NGSS Model Lessons: Kindergarten - 5th Grade | Illinois Math and Science Academy Research | DigitalCommons@IMSA
NGSS Model Lessons: Kindergarten - 5th Grade

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Model Lessons serve as an introduction to NGSS and three dimensional teaching for kindergarten through fifth grade. Each lesson includes a Teacher's Page and student resources that are available to download and use in classrooms.

Funding was provided through a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education. Materials were developed by the Science Educators Initiative team from Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA).

Curriculum writers: Elizabeth Martinez; Lead Writer, Patrick Young, Peg Steffen, Cassandra Armstrong, Lindsey Herlehy, Nicole Ross Ph.D., David Hernandez, and Brian Grublesky

Project team: Alison Albert, June Hubbard, Jocelyn Quiles, Kelly Remijan Ph.D., Angela Rowley, Richard Schultz Ph.D., Karen Togliatti, and Karen Ye


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Model NGSS Lessons: Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

Model NGSS Lessons: 4th - 5th Grade