Reforming Disability Education in Illinois



Document Type




Start Date

24-4-2024 10:05 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 10:20 AM


Currently, parents and guardians with children that qualify for a 504 plan in the state of Illinois are only updated about significant changes to their child’s plan. Our project proposes a change to the 504 plan to include a clause that requires parents to be notified about any and all changes made to the plan. Along with this, students with invisible disabilities often go unnoticed by teachers unless they are specifically informed according to the National Education Association. As such, we propose mandatory training for all educators and staff to inform them about invisible disabilities and the spectrum of these disabilities, as well as teaching students with these disabilities. Teachers will also have a mandatory day to teach their students about invisible disabilities.


Apr 24th, 10:05 AM Apr 24th, 10:20 AM

Reforming Disability Education in Illinois


Currently, parents and guardians with children that qualify for a 504 plan in the state of Illinois are only updated about significant changes to their child’s plan. Our project proposes a change to the 504 plan to include a clause that requires parents to be notified about any and all changes made to the plan. Along with this, students with invisible disabilities often go unnoticed by teachers unless they are specifically informed according to the National Education Association. As such, we propose mandatory training for all educators and staff to inform them about invisible disabilities and the spectrum of these disabilities, as well as teaching students with these disabilities. Teachers will also have a mandatory day to teach their students about invisible disabilities.