Measuring Variables Affecting Poverty Against Local Charity Performance



Document Type



Information Motivating Public Activism (IMPACT)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #1: No Poverty

Start Date

24-4-2024 10:55 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:10 AM


Poverty, the greatest contributor to global outcomes, is an issue with many theoretical solutions and few working implementations. One of the few implementations, charity, stands proud as the most trusted in the public’s eyes. However, even considering the public’s trust in organizations, many problems might affect a charity’s performance. As a result, this project builds on the analysis of a past project, which concluded by finding that charities don’t have a significant effect on poverty reduction in their county. Using the past project’s database of United Way charities across the US with a database of poverty from the Small Area Income Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) census project, our presentation wishes to extend that analysis, concluding for effects across age and other lines.


Apr 24th, 10:55 AM Apr 24th, 11:10 AM

Measuring Variables Affecting Poverty Against Local Charity Performance


Poverty, the greatest contributor to global outcomes, is an issue with many theoretical solutions and few working implementations. One of the few implementations, charity, stands proud as the most trusted in the public’s eyes. However, even considering the public’s trust in organizations, many problems might affect a charity’s performance. As a result, this project builds on the analysis of a past project, which concluded by finding that charities don’t have a significant effect on poverty reduction in their county. Using the past project’s database of United Way charities across the US with a database of poverty from the Small Area Income Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) census project, our presentation wishes to extend that analysis, concluding for effects across age and other lines.