Equity and Excellence | Illinois Math and Science Academy Research | DigitalCommons@IMSA
Equity and Excellence

Equity and Excellence


The Academy’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is evidenced by the Board of Trustees’ adoption of an Equity and Excellence policy. This critical policy “institutionalizes” equity work so that, regardless of leaders and other employees who may come and go, “equity”, and its attendant required outcomes, remains intact. I invite you to read our policy to understand the depth and breadth of the Academy’s focus on the “intentional integration of Cultural Competence, Diversity, Equity, Equity-Minded Frame, Excellence and Inclusion into every facet of the Academy, with the understanding that it is an active and ongoing process involving structures, processes and people and not an isolated initiative.”

Board of Trustees Policies: Equity and Excellence


Browse the Equity and Excellence Collections:

Diversifying STEM Think Tank

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Initiatives

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Resources

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Student Programming

Educational Equity and Excellence: webinar series

Equity and Excellence Plan

Equity and Excellence Scorecard

Publications & Research