UNSDG #4: Quality Education

Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to creating sustainable development. In addition to improving quality of life, access to inclusive education can help equip locals with the tools required to develop innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems.

Over 265 million children are currently out of school and 22% of them are of primary school age. Additionally, even the children who are attending schools are lacking basic skills in reading and math. In the past decade, major progress has been made towards increasing access to education at all levels and increasing enrollment rates in schools particularly for women and girls. Basic literacy skills have improved tremendously, yet bolder efforts are needed to make even greater strides for achieving universal education goals. For example, the world has achieved equality in primary education between girls and boys, but few countries have achieved that target at all levels of education.

The reasons for lack of quality education are due to lack of adequately trained teachers, poor conditions of schools and equity issues related to opportunities provided to rural children. For quality education to be provided to the children of impoverished families, investment is needed in educational scholarships, teacher training workshops, school building and improvement of water and electricity access to schools.
UN Sustainable Development Goals

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Wednesday, April 26th
9:40 AM

A Learning Plan for Students Around the World: "Learn For Tomorrow"

Jaden Blankenship '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Collin Chen '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Torin Schroeder '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #1 (A113)

9:40 AM - 9:55 AM

9:40 AM


Evan Kemph '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Richard Chen '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Cindy Xu '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Andrew Katson '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A151)

9:40 AM - 9:55 AM

9:40 AM


Chiara Njoya '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Sarah Almeida '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Evette Hernandez '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #3 (A155)

9:40 AM - 9:55 AM

9:40 AM

Why is there Education Scarcity?

Diego Nava '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #3 (A147)

9:40 AM - 9:55 AM

9:55 AM

Expanding Harm Reduction to IL Public Libraries

Jordan Henry '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Stella Ristic '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Care Thompson '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A115)

9:55 AM - 10:10 AM

9:55 AM

Exploring Teaching Approaches for Achieving Inclusive and Quality Primary Education: A Study towards SDG 4

Ryan Cho '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Aashi Dharia '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Kaylee Hwang '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A133)

9:55 AM - 10:10 AM

9:55 AM

Spreading Awareness of Global Events

Shrikar Dulam '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Ethan Terry '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Mila Wolkowitz '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #1 (A149)

9:55 AM - 10:10 AM

10:40 AM

Clockworks Time Management

Jacob Nendza '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
William Yu '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Maya Kannan '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Daunye Slatton '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #1 (A149)

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM

10:40 AM

Fixing the rolling check experience for students

Joshua Mu '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Ibrahim Bah '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Alea Ritchie '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #1 (A119)

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM

10:55 AM

Analyzing Immigrations Restrictions Per State and its Impact on Education

Jongwoo Kim '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Brent Rodrigo '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Sophia Civartetcaia-Turner '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A133)

10:55 AM - 11:10 AM

10:55 AM

Female Rage and Emotions in Media

Fernanda Cano '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Ella Bueno '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Skylar Vickers '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A115)

10:55 AM - 11:10 AM

10:55 AM

Global Pre-K Education: Access, Impact, and Equity

Hunter Mathews '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Jayram Palamadai '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Sebastian Mark '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #3 (A147)

10:55 AM - 11:10 AM

11:10 AM

The Effect of Socioeconomic Factors on College Admissions

Vincent You '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Aria Barve '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Rachel Qi '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #3 (A147)

11:10 AM - 11:25 AM

11:25 AM

Mastering Education: Comparing Mastery-Based and Standardized Learning in High Schools

Jake Belonio '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Sadkrith Malladi '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Devarsh Shah '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #1 (A119)

11:25 AM - 11:40 AM

11:40 AM

Assisting Students in Managing Workloads

Amani Harrington '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Andrew Wong '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Ayesha Bobat '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Peter Liu '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #1 (A149)

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM

11:40 AM

Coalition of Students for Educational Equality

Jose Lazcano '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Elaine Elaine Rao '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Evan Trone '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A115)

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM

11:40 AM

How does College Debt affect the Percentage of Students with Anxiety and Depression in the United States?

Aahana Das '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Rachel Tsang '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Caitlyn Nguyen '25, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Room #2 (A133)

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM